

糖擺脫不健康的浮腫,每天都要美美的上班~OL 7日美妍飲

藍色星期一(Blue Monday): 上班日的第一天總是無精打采、無能為力嗎? 美妍第一日,蜂蜜番茄精力湯讓妳的星期一紅潤不BLUE!

積極星期二(Yellow Tuesday): 黃色代表積極為工作助跑的星期二,來杯甜蜜溫暖的蜂蜜檸檬紅茶吧! 讓最天然的糖分bump up星期二的腎上腺素!

衝刺星期三(Red Wednesday): 業務量達到高峰的星期三不能放棄繼續愛自己,來杯蜂蜜紅棗茶吧~熱血OL今天也要美美的達成KPI!

踏實星期四(Brown Thursday): 世上沒什麼比健康的身體更踏實了! 每日飲用300 c.c.蔓越莓汁更可預防必尿道感染、強化私處自清與防禦功能,天然無糖的蜂蜜蔓越莓汁將在每個星期四使知性美眉們美的更踏實!

療癒星期五(Green Friday):象徵療癒的綠色最適合做為ㄧ週工作日的結尾,還有什麼放不下的,趕緊在下班前做結論囉~ 小週末的下午,最適合用蜂蜜酪梨牛奶犒賞自己與最佳戰鬥夥伴一周努力的成果!

陽光星期六(Orange Saturday): 脫下工作套裝吧! 星期六不出門走走不然要幹嘛? 帶上ㄧ杯蜂蜜綜合果汁飲,陽光的出遊行程即將開始!

紓壓星期日(White Sunday): 穿著white t-shirt紓壓運動的星期日,需要隨時補充水分和電解質,自製蜂蜜柳橙青茶來幫助體態輕盈吧!


Does each day of the week have its own colour? This question has long intrigued the designer Johanna Balušíková, culminating in the Colour Of The Day project: an investigation into colour associations and their relationships to specific days of the week. A survey was conducted where the following question was posed to 75 creative field workers from 20 different countries: what colour do you associate with each day of the week? The result is a series of t-shirts, one for each day of the week, the colour of each having been selected by majority vote. The shirts could either be worn according to the calendar days, or more intuitively, according to the actual mood of the wearer.

This project was commissioned and produced for the Biennale Design 2004 in Saint-Etienne, France.

Text Ref. & Photo Credit: https://www.newsmarket.com.tw/blog/78250/


